Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Whiney McWhinesalot

Tiny Little Baby Feet often feels the urge to ask Whiney McWhinesalot: 'Would you like some cheese with that whine?'. There are a multitude of issues surrounding her;
1) Whiney McWhinesalot had a crush on Tiny Little Baby Feet to the point of obsession. She made no attempt to hide this. She refused to leave a room while Tiny Little Baby Feet was changing, following this she then said she was going to watch outside with her binoculars. She also attempts to hug Tiny Little Baby Feet, who is not a hug person, frequently. It does not go down well.
2)Whiney McWhinesalot irritates Fringe Girl to the point of insanity, mainly due to her jealousy of Tiny Little Baby Feet's friendship with her. Apparently we are not allowed to be better friends than she is with Tiny Little Baby Feet (currently a non-existent friendship)
3)Whiney McWhinesalot's Boyfriend is one of the biggest aresholes in the world. He has shouted at Fringe Girl without reason on a number of occasions and then felt the need to try to get everyone on his side. This was an Epic Fail - wanker child.

We do not like her.
Her Song is: Beatfreakz - Somebody's Watching Me